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Other Projects

This is for projects that relate to my field but are not technical writing or instructional design in the traditional sense. You can find basic JIRA video tutorials, a reference sheet for Slack software I developed for company training, a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the US DoD, and other projects.


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Other Projects: Text
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Using JIRA Software: Kanban Board & Project Workflow
(No Audio Video Tutorial)

Our department lacked a stable project workflow. We were essentially flying by the seat of our pants. I suggested we used JIRA. The development departments were already using it. Agile as our development model. Why not? Well, it was expressed to me that it would take too long to teach people in our department how to use the application. It seemed complicated.


I decided to discover how JIRA worked and built a Kanban-based workflow that met our department's needs. Lastly, I developed this 15-minute video that quickly demonstrates how to get things running in our project. This way co-workers could, on their own time, get acclimated to the fundamentals.


The video helped spur the department to get involved with JIRA and the technical writing group and the instructional designer group decided to implement the workflow, making all of ours lives easier!

Tools used: Movavi Video Suite (screen recording & editing), JIRA.

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Slack Interface Training (Reference Sheet)

I was tasked to help my manager and another employee develop a brief training program for nearly 500 employees on the Slack communication app. We came up with a class-based training program. But something was missing. We needed something that employees could reference.


I developed the two-side worksheet you see here. The front side identifies features, and the backside has key information about the featured keyed to an ID number on the front.


We trained all the employees over the course of a few days and handed out these sheets. The feedback was great. Instead of employees digging through Slack documentation or sending emails and messages to remember key features, they had this sheet. It saved us time in answering the same questions over and over again and helped employees learn Slack fast.


Tools used: Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, SnagIt.

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Optimization Plan for CERCLA AOC/LMP
(DoD Technical Planning Doc - Federal Acquisitions Regulations Example)

This project is old (circa 2011). But I included here to showcase my understanding of US Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR) formatting, nomenclature, and authoring. And don't worry, it's NOT classified!


The Cape Environmental Management (CAPE) acquired a contract to clean up of hazardous materials at a decommissioned military base. The next step was creating a plan that detailed the current state of the site and how CAPE would meet its obligation.


I worked with a host of SMEs (PMs, Site Investigators, Chemists, Builders, etc.)  to acquire background information on the worksite and the plan going forward. With their immense amount of help, I was able to build this plan to the FAR specification that the US DoD would accept.

Tools used: MS Word, Adobe Acrobat, SharePoint.

Other Projects: Projects


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